Thursday, September 1, 2011

Osama bin Laden is a Hero to Some Muslims

Some Muslim said, "Osama is my hero.." But the other Muslim says, "Osama is not my hero!" Those are the common different thoughts of Muslims about Osama bin Laden, and this time, these are the reality answers of some Muslims to my online questions using social networking site about him if he's a hero or not, but their names is not written here for their privacy.

Muslims that Believe in Osama

Many Muslims believed that Osama is a hero, and this is the messages from 1 of those Muslims who believe in him.

  • 1st Message
    Dear ****..
    Okay, I'll share my opinions .. Hope can help ^^ ...

    Because maybe he is the only Muslim fighters who dared oppose the regime of America to fight for religion, his family and his country .. He is our leader ..

    Did not you see, that America is a land of murderers! Occupiers?!! They seize the Indians From Their Land.! Destroyed More Than 300 Who Are ethnic groups Native Americans.! Also Americans forced hundreds to Thousands of residents of East Mississippi exit from his hometown, gather Them Crowded so close in the region was inhabited by Indian Tribes in Oklahoma.! Americans with voracio ... us annexed half of Mexico.! They black bondage Tribes.! Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.! Vietnam.! Iraq.! Afghanistan.! American power was behind the Israeli Aggression in Palestine.! And now Libya.!

    America not only kill and colonize in the truest sense, but they also kill and colonize our character, man all over the world?!!
    They fool us with their vulgar culture.! They colonize the entire news media .. They taught us against our own parents, the right as a child.! indeed young child shall have the right, but they overestimated, so that a child nowadays tend to fight against their parents.! They civilize free sex, even sex style they like animals, worse they even civilize us for having sex with animals??!! Even worse they have sex with underage children.!
    They are not shy to bare-chested in public places such as beaches, they are like animals, they have no shame.! Not to mention the nuances of film-film violence.! Like Saw, Hostel, and many more .. They also cultivate that young children especially during adolescence identical with violence and liquor.! They make the women of this century as an object, they are a lot of designing various kinds of models, which will ultimately show some sensitive parts of a woman, or even too vulagar to be seen ..

    Yes, maybe they are a very advanced country, and maybe they say that those Americans who most civilized .. but they were wrong, the world is not ours, it all belonged to the Creator .. We live in this world is only temporary, and they teach us to sin.!

    Yes, and Osama bin Laden to fight for the sake of religion, family and country.!

    Osama is my hero ...
  • 2nd Message with Video Link
    Maybe you should see this..
  • 3rd Message, Just URL
  • 4rt Message, Just URL
Muslims that Against Osama

These are the messages of 2 of those Muslims who doesn't believe that Osama is a hero.

  • 1st Message with Joke
    NO I never believe it, Osama bin Laden is ***** ********'s hero,, because Osama and ***** are best friend, so you must be careful of them ****, ha ha,,
  • 2nd Message
    Maybe some of Muslim believe he is super hero because he's very brave man,, but for me he is crazy man.
  • 3rd Message
    My religion is Muslim,, a lot of Muslim people say Osama is brave man, but I also don't know what is the description of a brave man,, I don't care of him.
  • Single Message
    ****... *** ***** is my darling,,, Muhammad is my hero, and not Osama!
Is Osama bin Laden a Hero or a Villain?

Now you know why Osama is a hero to some Muslims but not all Muslims believed that he is a hero cause he terrors many people, and we all naturally knew that it is still a sin to kill a human.

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