Friday, October 14, 2011

Erick's Funniest Photos

One of the funniest photos that you ever saw in your life. Three real funny photos to make you laugh! The person in these photos is Erick from Manila City, Metro Manila, Philippines. And the photos is captured around the year 2008.

Click the image if you want to see its original size!

Erick disguise as a dirty gay that lost some teeth.
He wear the dress of his sister, and act like a gay without some teeth.
(I don't know if I'm the one who captured that photo because it is since 2008.)

Erick disguise as a crazy vampire without some teeth.
He remove his teeth intentionally, and try to look like a crazy vampire.
(I forgot if I'm the one who captured this photo, it's also since 2008.)

Without some teeth, Erick try to be the funniest insanely.
He act so insane, removing his teeth and act like a crazy human to become funny. This photo became his funniest because he deleted his more funniest sneaky.
(And I am the one who captured this photo!)

"Erick is a hero, and the best of the best!!"

Erick knew all about those photos, he know that there is a camera. Actually, he intentionally pausing. His last name is not showed in this post for his privacy. I hope you smile, laugh, and enjoy by viewing the funniest photos of Erick above. It is important to smile sometime, and have a happy heart. This post with year 2008 images are better late published on the web than you never laugh!

Resource: Those funny photos of Erick is originally own by Mark Anthony B. Dungo.
You can visit Mark at his website:
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