Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beautiful, Clean, and Rich Girl

Every men want to have their dream girl and most of their dream girl is a kinds of beautiful, clean, and rich. But do we really know what's the attitude of those kinds of girl? They are beautiful and rich, do you think they plan to have an ugly boyfriend? That kind of girl is looking for a handsome. She do not want a pure love, she just want a handsome, she just want to have a lot of expensive gadgets cause she is a practical.

Fresher Girls, Trish a cheerleader, Starr a music lover, and Gayle is always on fashion.
The cartoons on the image are Trish a cheerleader at the left side, Starr a music lover at the center, and Gayle is always on fashion at the right side. They are the cartoon models of Fresher a Hypoallergenic Feminine Wash sponsored the Total Girl (Philippines) Slam Book.
If you have a beautiful, clean, and rich female friend, you better read this post before you love her..

If you have a beautiful, clean, rich friend and you are just a poor or have a bad outside appearance? You must do not hope to be her boyfriend. She must trying to be good with you but she's still a beautiful, a clean, a rich, she is surly looking for a handsome and rich boyfriend. Why if there is other richest man than you who also try to be her boyfriend? She will surly be stolen to you by a handsome and a rich guy.

If your girl have the kind of the cartoons on the image, make sure that you are a handsome, have a lot of money, and a good outside appearance before she breaks your heart.. So, if your girlfriend is a kind of that? Take care your outside appearance, (boy!) and do not lose a money. She's a beautiful, clean, and rich girl, you're never be her happy... If you are handsome and rich? And have a beautiful, clean, and a rich girl, and you're saying that she want your love and not your outside appearance? No, no, no! Try to lose all your money first before you say that, you will surly see what kind of girl you ever had.

What if that kind of girl meets a handsome and a rich guy, she will surly turn into animal.. (Ah...!!) That girl really don't looks for love. Remember this, "If you prove it by yourself, don't forget to remember this post.."

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