Sunday, October 9, 2011

If Someone Offend You

Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.There are many evil people in this world. Many of them offends many of us by annoying, bullying, persecuting, stealing something that we own, etc... And maybe you are one of the victims of their evil works.

Some person bullying, annoying the innocent student(s) in the school, that's why many of us can't concentrate while studying inside the school. They are all bullying many innocent people, they're all evil!

Intentional Charge
Some gangster intentionally charge the person that their trip telling it is just an accident. Some of them may charge you when both of you are playing basketball, and the evil person shall tell you that it was an accident.

Some kills for money, some when they did not get what they want, some for protecting their hidden (evil) works by themselves, and some is just for gangster trip. Other kills someone's pet because on insecurity or just a trip. EVIL!!

There are also a victim of rape. Imagine, after a pretty girl take caring her beautiful body, the evil just plan and still did the damn thing on her.

If there someone steal your gadget or anything that you own, and you are surly know the person who steal your item with a prove, you're 100% sure know who is it. And the thief is telling lie about it. You know that the thief is telling lies. Denying the thing that they made!

Many evil people on this earth do a bad kind of trip in a good person, they're tripping when you just walk in street, when they just saw you, they enjoy when they are tripping someone good or innocent person. They are all evil!

Other evil people are over! They do many kinds of evil things to the person that did not do any evil thing on them. They are tripping, bullying, and do a lot of evil things to a innocent person.

If you are offended by some evil people, just do not revenge, just give the vengeance to the God which is in heaven because He the one who said, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay!"

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19

So, if there someone offend you, avenge not!! Just wait the revenge of God (which is in heaven) and it's just because of you...

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