Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't Call a Priest the Father

First of all, always remember all of the information in this post was not came from own idea but from words of God the truth which in the Bible.

Jesus Speaks

According to the Bible in book of Matthew on chapter 23. Jesus Christ speaks to the people, and to his disciples.

  • Matthew 23:1
    Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,

Do you believe it? I hope you believed that Jesus speaks to the people, and to his disciples because it is in the Bible.

Spiritual and Religion

When we forward the verse above to verse 8. Jesus said, do not be called 'Rabbi' which means master or teacher, and do not call anyone on earth 'Rabbi' master or teacher because we have only 1 Master or Teacher, and that person is Christ.

  • Matthew 23:8
    But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
  • Matthew 23:10
    Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

Why we called teacher the person who teach us on school? And why the martial artists call 'master' the person who teach them how to become a martial artist? Simple, because Jesus speaks not on school or anybody else but Jesus speaks spiritual, and religious.

A Sin

It is not a sin when we call the person 'master' when its come on martial art, and it's not a sin when we call teacher the person who teach us on school but if you call someone 'master' or 'teacher' when its come on spiritual or religion it's a sin because according to the Bible in the first epistle of John on chapter 3 at verse 4, whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.

  • 1 John 3:4
    Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

I hope you also believed that if you call someone 'master' or 'teacher' when its come on spiritual or religion it is a sin because it's also in the Bible.

How About This Verse

In the middle of those verses above in the book of Matthew on chapter 23 verse 9. Jesus said do not call anyone on earth your father because you have only one Father which is in heaven.

And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven

Jesus speaks religiously, and spiritually. So, it is a sin if you call any man even a priest on earth your Father when its come on religion.

Open the Bible

I challenge you to open your Bible if the information of this post was false but if you proved that this post information is true, you will not call a priest the Father again, and your sin will be decreased. Amen.

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